Friday, August 31, 2007

Welcome to Tassilo Horn's Wiki: doc-view.el

This is probably a good alternative to my last post about Skim. but right now I'm so into Skim that I won't break my workflow routine, at least for another 3 weeks - after that, I'll give this a try!

(spoiler - read pdf's within emacs itself!)

[See Welcome to Tassilo Horn's Wiki: doc-view.el]

Thursday, August 30, 2007


This is my first post with an advice for the Macsen, and Emacsen alike!

So let's say you're working on your LaTeX article. Let's assume you're into the "\C-c \C-c" way of life. Isn't that a bore to compile the pdf and then also have to (close any opened window and) open the file, every time you make the smallest of the changes? Fear not. Skim to the rescue! Go to the preferences pane, in the Skim tab, you'll find an unchecked box saying "Check for file changes". Now why is this unchecked in the first place? No one knows for sure... Just pick from the preset Aquamacs Emacs (or tweak arround to match your preferences), and you're ready to go. Open the file once. Now switch to emacs, change the TeX source, and compile it. Skim will ask you if you want to reload the file, just tell it to keep doing it automatically from now on - and that's it! One less "\C-c \C-c" for article compilation, multiplied by... lots!, that means... well.. a healthier life for your fingers, at least! Here's the screenshot, for your delight.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

ObjectDock, TopDesk and Launchy

Recently I've come across the task of modding a common Windows XP to look and feel more like a MacOS Tiger. I've stepped up to the challenge, and there's lots of good software to help you. After giving them all a try, I find the following the most usefull:

  1. StyleXP - with this one you'll get the bar and windows just like a mac (look for styles in wincustomize!)
  2. ObjectDock - Rocketlaunch is also cute, but objectdock is more versatile.
  3. Launchy - Remember quicksilver? this is close :)
  4. Topdesk - this is a good expose!

As for the dashboard, the only widget tool I'm familiar with is google desktop. so you're probably good with it, too, if you have a reasonably decent machine (RAM-wise).