Saturday, May 31, 2008

Disqus, meet my Plaxo Pulse.

Commenting just got a new level for me. I discovered Disqus has just got integrated with the post stream at Plaxo's Pulse. I just gave it a whirl, changed my two main blogger-based blogs and presto. Now you may access my pulse, see a post entry you'd like to comment on, and do so in plaxo's interface - the message will appear properly on my blog, also! Look for the highlighted message to make sure your comment get's to the proper place, in the future:

Plaxo's Pulse integration with Disqus

Friday, May 30, 2008

To key, or not to key!

When it looks like you've finally messed up your macbook pro's keys... All is not lost! a quick look into youtube reveals a great clip that teaches you how to remove the key, remove the little cap behind the key (the plastic thinguie that serves as a spring attacher), and put them back again properly. So my dot key got a bit stuck in the bottom side, and I solved it (the cap got loose on one side, I just put it back again). See for yourselves, and fear not! :)

[From YouTube - How to replace keys on an Apple MacBook Pro Keyboard]

Friday, May 09, 2008

Muxtape With Coverflow Using Fluid

[In the link] Below is a quick tutorial on harnessing the power of Fluid’s new thumbnail plugin to create a simple Muxtape application with sweet coverflow previews of the featured mixes.

[From Muxtape With Coverflow Using Fluid]
I just checked this fantastic usage for a desktop web application. First, let's say thanks to the mind behind Muxtape. For a photographer, Justin sure knows how to keep things simple enough to be just great! But if we leave the main functionality if muxtape behind, its homepage is sort of... less than useful! So enter Fluid. I know, I know, Mozilla's lab project Prism can do exactly the same and is multi-platform. But can it create a fantastic coverflow view of a set of pages thumbnails? Well, [without some not-yet-developed XUL-based add-ons, ] no. That's one more reason for me to love me having entered the Mac world! But seriously. If you don't want to try it because it's too hard, just take a look at the video screen cast in the link above, and see for yourself. It's 2 minute easy (with fluid download times included :) )
Let's all hand some kudos for Justin!