Since we're at free music, please don't forget the great, that keeps playing fine tunes I don't know I'm about to love :)
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Free music for everyone
Since we're at free music, please don't forget the great, that keeps playing fine tunes I don't know I'm about to love :)
Saturday, February 10, 2007
DIY Mousepad
The Best Gaming Mouse Pad You’ll Ever Make -
I must give this a try, but I like the number of good comments on the page!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Untitled post on Sun Feb 04 21:18:14 2007
Posting remembered data in emacs
Here's the important piece of code:
;; Attach this feature to remember:
(defun blogspot-post-when-remember-maybe ()
(when (y-or-n-p "You might as well send this to your blog, if you're online. Go for it? ")
(let ((body (buffer-string)))
(blogspot nil nil body)
(add-hook 'remember-handler-functions 'blogspot-post-when-remember-maybe)
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Emacs sending to blogger, made easy
(defvar blogspot-post-username "yourname"
"The first part of the email address: `blogspot-post-username'.`blogspot-post-blog'")
(defvar blogspot-post-blog-list '("blog1" "blog2")
"List with second parts of the email address: `blogspot-post-username'.`blogspot-post-blog'")
(require 'cl)
(defun blogspot (title url &optional text)
"Opens a gnus msg buffer with the active region or the parameters passed in the body.
Configure `blogspot-post-username' and `blogspot-post-blog-list' to set it up."
(interactive "sPost title:
sPost link (tip - an empty string won't create the link): ")
(let* ((blogspot-post-blog (completing-read "Where to? " blogspot-post-blog-list nil nil (car blogspot-post-blog-list)))
(to (concat blogspot-post-username "." blogspot-post-blog ""))
(subject (cond ((and title url (not (string= url "")))
(concat "<a href= \""
(title title)
(t "")))
(body (or text "")))
(let ((gnus-posting-styles
(mapcan (lambda (x)
(list (remove-if (lambda (y) (and (listp y)
(string= (car y) "Face")))
(gnus-msg-mail to subject))
(when body
(insert body)))
(message "Edit the buffer and press \\C-c \\C-c to post it to %s." blogspot-post-blog)))
(defun blogspot-region (beg end title url)
"Call `blogspot-text' and inserts the active region as the post's body."
(interactive "r
sPost title:
sPost link: ")
(blogspot title url (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
Edgar Gonçalves -
Software Engineering Group @ INESC-ID
IST/Technical University of Lisbon